Fraud and Misconduct Alert Functions

 Detect and prevent SAP® fraud


Increase efficiency of business operations by preventing fraud and potential financial losses in your SAP®. Strengthen compliance, handle critical business bottlenecks with real time, out-of-the-box Fraud Indicators.

We will automate fraud detection process, bringing value on day 1 after the secure connection is established. Skywind Fraud Exposure Team will guide you through all steps of the process and provide initial exposure and analysis of fraud related events. We promise to find you cases that you couldn’t even imagine might exist in your SAP®.

03_finance Fraud Indicators - FINANCE
04_sales Fraud Indicators - SALES
05_vendors Fraud Indicators - VENDORS
06_procurement Fraud Indicators - PROCUREMENT
  1. Purchase orders price changes
  2. Suspicious materials movements
  3. Purchase info price was changed
  4. Purchase Orders approved by creator
  5. Purchase Requisitions approved by creator
  6. Purchase Orders approved by creator as LAST approver
  7. Purchase Requisition vs. Purchase Order prices comparison
  8. Vendor related accounting document without PO reference
  9. Retroactively created Purchase Order (by Vendor invoice date)
  10. Material price change (moving average price had changed substantially)
  11. GR/IR of PO performed by user who participated in PO's maintenance or release
  12. GR/IR of PO is performed by user who altered master record of vendor, related to the PO
07_masterdata Fraud Indicators - MASTER DATA
